Late Night Internet Marketing and Online Business with Mark Mason

How Descript Is Revolutionizing The Content Industry - LNIM 238

September 19, 2022 Mark Mason Episode 238
Late Night Internet Marketing and Online Business with Mark Mason
How Descript Is Revolutionizing The Content Industry - LNIM 238
Show Notes Transcript

Are you thinking about podcasting, but feel like it might just be too complicated to get your episodes edited or published?  Do you know you need to create more video but you are scared to death of the technology involved.  Well, I have good news.  The new version of a software solution called Descript changes everything, and it is revolutionizing the content creation industry.


Episode 2, 3, 8. This week on the Late Night Internet Marketing Podcast, we talk about how some new software called Descript is revolutionizing the podcast industry and why it might finally be time for you to start that podcast you've been dreaming about. All this and more on the Late Night Internet Marketing Podcast. The Late Night Internet Marketing Podcast. You've been working for somebody else, but you want a business to run yourself. You want know how to start, and where to begin. Can you get out your comfort zone, my friend? Yes, you can do it right when it's late at night. At the end of the day, your dream's burnin' inside. So keep it up and you will find that you're building your business one night at a time. And now broadcasting late at night from a little studio in the big state of Texas your host Mark Mason Hey, Hey. Hey. How is everyone doing? I am your host. Mark Mason, coming to you from the little studio in Dallas, Texas. Tremendous heat here in Dallas this week. I don't know what's going on. I mean, in my calendar, it's almost October, there are people selling pumpkins around here in Texas. And still last week I was sitting at my son's baseball game and the temperature was 97 degrees in the shade. So I don't know exactly what's going on here. Maybe it's a global warming thing. I don't. This seems more like weather and the weather, is really rough. Still looking forward to a little relief next week. We're hoping that we get something that looks a little bit more like fall, but as it stands right now, man, it's still just way too hot here in Texas. I hope wherever you are, things are much better. And I hope things are going great for you with your business. And I bet if you are like so many people that I know, at least at some point in your business, you've run across the question. Should I start a podcast? Not, should I start a podcast? I have a podcast you're listening to it now. I mean, You are asking the question, should you start a podcast? And sometimes the answer is yes. And sometimes the answer is no, because the overhead that comes with starting a podcast, creating content every week can be pretty significant, but it varies from person to person. In some cases, people have a lot to say. And so knowing what to podcast about is not a big deal, but the technical aspects of podcasting can be pretty overwhelming. And significant even with just an audio podcast, there's all of this stuff that you need to do and learn and figure out in order to get your podcast online. And one of the things that has been a significant barrier to people, I think over the years has been. Podcast, audio editing, forget video. I mean, a video podcast brings even more work to the table, but just this idea of editing the audio from a podcast. If you're not a technical person with experience doing things like editing audio, this can be a really. Arduous task. You need a program like audacity or audition or garage band or pro tools or something like that to actually get into your audio, edit those wave forms, normalize them, get everything to the right volume. Treat the sound so it's, so you could get that fantastic FM radio voice or whatever it is that you're going for. It's just a lot of technical work. And if you want somebody to do that for you, so that you don't have to do that work, it can be pretty expensive. So about a year ago, and you know, quite honestly, maybe it's been closer to two years ago. A company came on the scene with some revolutionary software called descript. And the thing that was interesting about descript, which is how they pronounce it, by the way, they seem to put the emphasis on the first syllable. And, you know, you don't want to put the infas on the wrong slab. There that's very important. The descript people. they had this revolutionary disruptive idea and basically their idea was instead of making people edit these sciencey looking. Technology focused wave forms. Let's actually give people an interface they're used to let's let people edit the text that they actually speak as if they were using a word processor. After all people have been using word processors for decades, people know how to edit. Text, because they do that every time they send an email, let's make the audio editor work with a text interface. And there are lots of technical challenges that need to be overcome by that. You need a transcript of the audio and you need to be able to heal the cuts that you make. For example, if you delete some text or move some text around, you need to make. The kinds of edits in that audio file that sound reasonable to the listener. You don't want pops and crackles and stops and starts and so forth in your audio in a way that sounds like a bad edit. And what's changed over the last 10 years and what the descript people have been able to take advantage of is this idea of artificial intelligence. They can use AI type technologies to do automatic transcription and yeah, the transcription's not perfect, but it's great for this kind of work where. It's 97% accurate and that's plenty good enough for you to recognize the text and make some edits. So that's great. And also they're able to use some sophisticated algorithms, probably also including artificial intelligence to heal the cuts that you make in the audio. And the result has been. This amazing piece of software where you can speak and it recognizes your text and you can edit that text later, just like you're editing a word document. It's truly remarkable. And I'll give you an example of this. Let's start a story once upon a time, a long time ago in a land far, far away, a great adventure took place. And now what I'm going to do is I'm going to copy that text in script, and I'm going to say the same thing, but I'm going to take out the part about a long time ago. I'm not going to respeak this I'm just going to cut and paste the text in script. Here it goes. Are you ready? Let's start a story once upon a time, in a land far, far away, a great adventure took place. Okay. That's kind of amazing, right? That's the exact same text with a part taken out, just edited, just like you would do in a piece of email software. It's really quite remarkable and was disruptive in the podcasting industry, because what it meant for people was that suddenly they could. Podcast it removed a technical barrier. And now all of these people that were not podcasting because of technology problems, one major technology barrier that barrier of editing audio had been completely removed. And I think that's remarkable. And I think the descript people deserve. Credit for bringing a disruptive technology to the marketplace, truly amazing. And as an engineer and a person who sells technology in my day job, I really love this kind of thing. When this happens and entire markets are disruptive. Then the descript people, instead of just sitting on their laurels and deciding, okay, we did a thing and now we're just gonna cash in and let that thing ride out. They kept innovating and this is truly amazing. And what they have now is even more incredible. And I've been testing in beta, the new version of D script, which includes. A new concept called storyboard. That's the code name for this? When it comes to market, it'll just be the next version of the script. But this idea of storyboard is that. Every chunk of text can have an associated video scene with it. So for example, if you happen to be watching this on YouTube right now, you are seeing video of my talking face. I'm just looking at the camera. Talking to the camera and you can see me with a microphone next to me, and some green lighting in the background and my on air sign and so forth all in the background. But now with the new version of D script, I can cut to some B roll of my son hitting a fast ball to the fence last week for a triple in Rockwell, Texas, which is really cool. And then I can cut back to a picture of my face and I can do all of that. In descript natively. As I look at the text, this is really amazing. So if suddenly we happen to be talking along in the podcast and I mention a sailboat, I can easily use descript to drag in a picture of a sailboat. And what's amazing is, as you can see, if you're watching this over on YouTube, descript has all of this stock video, stock images, stock gifts, all of this stuff built in, and it's really just a drag and drop interface. Each chunk of text that you want to associate with a different scene can be split up just by the press of a single key. It's really, truly amazing. And it's in beta right now, and they're still working out some issues with the user interface. And I think. Once they release it in a couple of weeks. It'll be great for use. I've been using it for several weeks in beta mode and it's already really good. Really amazing. So now, The barrier to creating video podcasts or video content has been removed. And I tell you, I just created a new lead magnet And what it is is a short course that teaches people how to drop ship. I needed to do this for a larger promotion that I'm doing in conjunction with the people over at. Cartzy dot com. So I needed to create four or five quick videos that were a free video course, and I also needed a thank you video for the lead magnet and a video for the lead magnet sales page. You can see all of this So what did I do? I turned on descript. I pushed the record button and I started talking. And one thing that I haven't mentioned yet is that descript also has screen recording capability built in, and the camera track of me talking to the camera or whatever I happen to be doing with the camera. And the screen recording track are separate tracks, and I can cut between those seen by scene, kind of like what you would do in screen flow. Now I'm not claiming that D script is better in every regard than screen flow, but I can tell. I no longer use screen flow for screen captures. If I were doing some incredibly intense screen recording video, maybe screen flow would still be a better choice, but for me, descript has all the screen recording features that I need all the video editing features that I need. So now not only can I record my podcast content with descript. I'm also able to create video content that I need for my business, and I can do this very. Quickly, it's really disruptive and amazing software, but that's not all, if you act now, you can get the handy dandy slicer, der. No, I'm just kidding. Actually, for those of you that don't know about the handy dandy slicer, der, but are interested in marketing. You should look up Ron Pope. Uh, if you don't know who that is, maybe that's a whole nother podcast episode. We needed to talk about Ron Pope and Ginsu knives and the handy dandy slicer dicer. That's a whole nother episode. But really that's not all with descript because now descript has transcription and the ability to edit and the ability to handle video. They've added also the idea of templates, meaning that you can take some of the amazing things in D script, and you can remember where they go in the form of a template and what this is incredibly useful for is for creating social media snippets. So imagine now you've got this podcast episode, like I have right here, you've got talking head mark, looking at the camera, talking while he's recording. It cuts to B roll or screen captures or whatever's necessary as we go through the video. And then you finish that recording and make whatever edits are necessary. And then you output the audio for the audio podcast and the video for the video podcast or in my case for YouTube. And then. You can using the transcript, make these beautiful social media snippet videos, the kind with the captioning where the word that you're speaking actually is highlighted as you speak it can have your branding in the template. Like the Late NIght Internet Marketing logo can be right there and you can create those very quickly or even better. As in my case, you can ask your virtual assistant to pick some clips and make some social media videos. And then you can upload those videos to social media, and you can use a tool like in order to repurpose that content out all over the web, pretty slick. So what has descript enabled for podcasters and content creators? Well, we've gone from a world where I've got a separate audio file and a video file, and I've gotta bring that into final pro or premier and make all these crazy edits. Or if I'm just doing audio, I've gotta understand how to look at wave forms and what to do about that. And I haven't even addressed the fact that when you're looking at text and making edits based on text, that's much, much faster than having to listen back to your content and find the content that needs to be cut out and left on the cutting room floor. That's a, a one to one time thing. When you're scanning texts, you can delete whole blocks of texts and move things around. It will much, much faster than you can. If you're having to listen to or watch the content. That's a whole nother side benefit, but we've gone to this world where you've gotta use these highly technical tools when you're creating content to a world where you can actually create the content and focus on the content creation and then through the magic of. Brilliant software design and artificial intelligence. You can use point click and drag tools to produce your content. It's really amazing. And the change that I've seen over a decade has just been unbelievable. So if you are interested in. Exploring this kind of content creation, adding this to your arsenal in your content creation toolbox. Let me recommend that you go over and check out D script. Now you can get there through my affiliate link and if you use that link, that'd be great. That's a great way to support the show. They have a free version of the software that you can play with, and you can find that at late night, D script, D E S C R I P T. That is a fantastic software. And it's one you should have in your toolbox, even if you just use it for training videos for your virtual assistance for screen capture, I highly recommend it. It's truly. An amazing piece of software. And again, you can find that at late night,, and then if you are creating content for social media and you want to automatically repurpose that content, I definitely recommend you check out at late night. Those two pieces of software together. Are amazing. So what is the upshot of all this discussion? The upshot is if you made a decision some time ago, not to create content, not to create a podcast, not to do certain things in your business, because it just felt like it took too much time, too much energy to actually produce the content. What I'm here to tell you is that everything has changed. The content creation process has been revolutionized by artificial intelligence and amazing software ingenuity. The vision to see what was possible has been brought to you by the descript team. And I think you need to go check it out. It's truly incredible. And I want you to let me know what you think. Hit me up over at Late NIght, Internet Marketing dot com slash podcast. Let me know what you think. Send me an email at feedback at late night, Tell me what's going on. I'd love to hear about what you think about these new tools, and I'd love to hear specifically how they're impacting your business, or if you've got a question about how. They might impact your business. I'd love to hear that too until next time. I hope you have an amazing week. We'll talk to you soon. C. Hey, you know, this descript thing is, is really neat for me as a technologist to see somebody who is willing to. Think outside the box and deliver something amazing to the marketplace. I think that is even more impressive than the work that I'm able to get done with this, this guy that runs this thing. His name is Andrew. Mason is no relation to Mark Mason. I don't know this guy, but I do kind of know him because he. In addition to running the company, he gets in there and he's in the discord for the beta answering my questions, answering everybody's questions, not just mine. And he's clearly a guy who is passionate, not just about building his business and building an empire or whatever they're doing over there at descript, but about. Revolutionizing the content industry. I mean, it's just clear and he's got this vision that he's able to execute, and it's just amazing in that. I can also tell the team they've put together over there is also truly fantastic. You can just tell from the content they're creating about the tool and the way they interact with customers. This Andrew Mason guy is a. Who gets it. And I love that even more than I love the tool. I love to see it when the good guys win. When people who care about the right things, get rewarded for that. I love that. Um, I hope I meet this guy, Andrew someday, cuz he seems really cool. Uh, but for now I'll just have to admire him from afar chow.